Tuesday, July 18, 2017

How To Write a Buzzfeed Style "Listicle" That Will Get Your Readers "Buzzing"

Bad puns aside, Buzzfeed is so popular because the content on the site incorporates some of the best digital writing strategies that engages your readers in multiple ways. Of course, we too can create compelling content, and much of what goes into making Buzzfeed one of the most popular places on the Internet can also apply when we are creating content for our blogs.

To create your own "listicle" that will have the Internet buzzing, please keep the following guidelines in mind.

You should approach your article with a unique perspective. Sure, anyone can write a list of "The Scariest Books," or "The Best Baseball Teams," but that won't make your writing stand out. How about "Four Books So Scarily Good You Won't Want to Read Them With The Lights Off;" or, "Five Baseball Stadiums Everyone Should Visit Even If You Hate Baseball?" Remember, while you should always write about your passions, you want to have an angle that may not have been explored before, and that should be reflected in your title.

You should also include a "cover" image and a brief introduction before you start your lists. You may choose to describe your ranking criteria, or just generally introduce your topic, and your take on it, to your readers. This is your chance to "hook" your readers and get them to read on, even if they may not have any interest in your topic.

For each item in your list, you should include:
     -A title
     -A hyperlink (If it's a book, you can link to it's Amazon page. If you're reviewing the "Best Secluded Beaches," you can link to Google Maps or a travel link, etc.)
     -An image, GIF, or video file.
     -A one or two paragraph description or explanation of the entry.

If you need inspiration, here is a Buzzfeed article on "53 Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down" for reference. So, what cool, funny, hip, edgy, Buzzfeed article are you working on? Please leave your reply comments.

1 comment:

  1. I do not know what to buzzfeed, I will do a couple and post the best
